The In-person Atmosphere is Irreplaceable

The 2020 varsity soccer season and homecoming festivities are only a few of the eventsthat students have missed out on due to COVID-19. However, the Speech and Debate Teamhas been able to continue participating in practices and competition-only this year, it just...

Hybrid Lunches

Lunchtime is one of the most unique parts of our daily schedule. The element of choicewe had with our buffet system sets us apart from many public schools and private schools.Though it’s a small example of the Harley School adapting to the needs of individual...

Behind the Scenes

Throughout the month of October, The Harley School ran Out of the Box theater every Saturday in the courtyard. People lined up to watch the weekly Covid-safe performances, marvelling at both the excellent acting and the actors’ dedication to be out in the cold fall...

The Harley Newspaper

   Last spring, Daniel Wishengrad and Henry Michael, two seniors, came up with the idea to create a newspaper at Harley. Though Harley has had newspapers in the past, the school has not seen one in a while. “A big part of it was doing something involving Harley. We...

The Pack Prevails: Harley XC During a Pandemic

While restaurants, offices, stores, and schools shut down due to COVID, so did athletics. A few schools that were able to handle the pandemic wisely, however, were able to safely continue sports this fall season, Harley being one of them. Although the cross country...