My name is Erin Szuromi, and I’ve been going to Harley since I was in 1st grade in PA with Ms. Klibanoff and Mrs. Moore. I’ve loved every second of my time at Harley, from my memories from the second-grade post office to homecoming and school trips in high school. Some of my favorite memories from Harley so far have been hanging out in O’Brien’s room, participating on the swim team, making relationships with my classmates and teachers. Im a part of the upper school student council, the environmental sustainability club, the astronomy club, and the biomimicry club. I’ve swum on the Varsity team for 5 years, and plan to do track in the spring this year! I know this will have already happened but I’m writing this in February so I don’t even know if I did track! After graduation, I plan to attend Swarthmore College in Philadelphia. I’m interested in studying physics, environmental science, computer science, or a mix! I’m also going to be swimming on the Swarthmore swim team (hopefully for the next four years). I’m thankful to all my teachers, friends, and teammates that I’ve gotten to know over my time at Harley. Thank you all! You all are what have made my time at Harley so special<3