Some people in my grade have been going to Harley for years, some even their whole life, this isn’t me, I’ve only been at Harley since 10th grade. While I have only read one english book cover to cover during these three years my cat has enjoyed laying on every book I bring home. Without going to Harley I would never have been taught the greek alphabet, and Napoleon’s Russian campaign of 1812 in a math class let alone in the same week. It’s these special teaching moments that I will never forget and talk about for years to come. I already know I’ll be talking to someone about our high school digital media classes and I’ll mention having the teacher’s son in the room pushing this stool so it made the worst noise and everyone just had to yell to hear each other over the screech of the stool. Overall I’d say I’m looking forward to college next year though getting used to taking a math test without your teacher handing out tootsie roll pops will be an adjustment.