Michael Lasser, a former English teacher, recently gave me this advice:
“The Ancients would indicate ‘the past’ by pointing ahead and ‘the future’ by pointing behind. Why? Because we can only see the past; the future is unknown.”
In my last year at this school, I’ve been doing a lot of “looking forward.” Apart from my brief “hiatus” freshman year, I’ve been at Harley since kindergarten. It’s amazing to think that I’ve been a part of this close family for over a decade. As a lifer, I remember fondly many traditions: sitting on my mom’s lap on Wednesday Assemblies, sorting mail during Twoville, sleeping over at the RMSC, making pie for Pi Day in middle school, eating lunch in OB’s, and so many more. Truly, this community has shaped me into the person I am today. And as I look toward the [unknown] future of college and life, I hope never to forget whence I came.