Dear whoever is reading this, I don’t really know what to tell you about my time at Harley because honestly I can’t remember most of it. Harley has been a part of my life for 13 years, and the only profound memory I have is the time when a kid threw up on my bus, I can still picture the rancid liquid flowing down the long aisle. The busdriver made him carry a bag and sit with a trash can after that. Now that I can drive myself to school my life hasn’t been as exciting but I appreciate the little things like nailing a test I forgot to study for or sleeping in instead of waiting at the end of my driveway and listening for the rattle of a bus engine. Besides learning not to eat bagels while on the bus, I have learned many other things from my time at Harley… like playing the recorder. Just kidding, but I did learn how to play the recorder.