Hi, my name is Zoe Fleischer and I’ve attended Harley since fourth grade and have loved every moment of it. One of my favorite things about Harley is the traditions. From high-fiving the little kids in the Halloween parade to getting soaked by water buckets on May Day and drying off in the sun while eating ice cream, I can count on creating memories that will stay with me throughout my life. Harley is a second home to me, it’s where I have learned to grow into the person I am today and it has taught me to challenge myself in areas of weakness until they become my strengths. This school will always be a part of us, but we will also always be a part of the school. In the small class I have been a part of for almost a decade, we have formed many friendships, and of course, we may get sick of each other at times, but we will all always have something in common that no one else will fully understand, and that is Harley. In our sixth-grade history class, we made a time capsule and all put a brown paper bag with something we wanted to give to ourselves in about fifty years and the capsule was put inside one of the wood ceilings in the barn. I probably was dumbfounded and put something not very meaningful in my bag, but that’s not what matters. What matters is that we will be given a chance to all get together in the building where our lives all started and reflect back on so much time we once spent together and reconcile old memories. Enough about that though, I’m already feeling nostalgic just typing this! A fun fact about me is that I have been on the girl’s tennis team since seventh grade (six years) and I have always had so much fun being on a team with girls that share the same love for tennis as I do. At Harley, I have been given the chance to take advantage of the endless opportunities available to try different areas of sports, clubs, classes, and so much more, it has opened up so many opportunities for my future. My plans after high school are to attend college and major in either biology or health science to go on the pre-medical track. On top of that, I would love to get involved on campus with a few clubs and join a sorority. I am so excited to see where my future takes me and to create something of myself!