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Where should you leave your dog when you go shopping?

The barking lot!

I bet that lot sure makes a lot of noise.


What do you get when a chicken lays its eggs on the top of a hill?

Egg rolls!

So does a goose lay a goose roll? Doesn’t have the same ring to it.


On what day of the week do chickens hide?


Thursday is the weekly spa day.


How do you make a hot dog stand?

You take away its chair!

Or you could just ask it to stand up. It’s a much more pleasant solution for all parties involved.


This is my step ladder.

I never knew my biological ladder.

The custody battle must have been insane.


What do you call a magic dog?

A labracadabrador!

Now that’s a tongue twister. Try saying 5 times fast!


What’s the best thing about Switzerland?

I don’t know, but their flag is a huge plus!

At least it’s not a minus. That would be awkward.


What did the buffalo say to his son at the school dropoff?


Ok but imagine a teenage buffalo trying to get out of a car. Lol.


What does a baby computer call its father?


I wonder how it eats…in megabytes?


Which knight invented King Arthur’s Round Table?

Sir Cumference!

Was he in cahoots with Lady Diameter?


What do you call a fly without wings?

A walk!

But not a run!


What does a clock do when it’s hungry?

It goes back four seconds!

I’m laughing at 60 BPM.


What did the triangle say to the circle?.

“You’re pointless!”

Dang, somebody has a superiority complex


I saw my math teacher with a piece of graph paper yesterday. I think he must be plotting something.

Jam, I’m watching you…


What shape is usually waiting for you inside a Starbucks?

A line!

And it feels like it goes on forever


Why was math class so long?

The teacher kept going off on a tangent!

So true, so true.