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Remote Learning

for Students

Remote Learning Information for Harley Students

Harley has moved all of our classes from the school building to students’ homes due to the national closure of schools. Things may be different in terms of where you learn and the daily schedule, but we are committed to: 

  • keeping students connected with each other and their teachers, and 
  • delivering lessons and learning activities via Schoology (our learning hub) and video conferencing.

We will obviously be using a different learning format, but our goals remain the same: deliver the best educational experience for students, encourage participation and hands-on learning, effectively reach individual students through differentiation, and make ourselves available to students on a regular basis.

We have attempted to answer as many of your potential questions as we can. Please keep checking back as we will update this site frequently. Students and parents can click on the tabs below for information about what remote learning looks like in their division.

What Are the Basics of Remote Learning at Harley?

We will start remote learning on Monday, March 23, and continue until we are permitted to return to campus. The week of March 23 will be a time for us to get accustomed to remote learning. There may be some bumps in the road as we transition to school from home, and your teachers will work with you to get started on remote learning and help you when you run into problems.

We will expect students to “attend” their classes each day, just as they would if they were at school.

In Nursery and Lower School, your teachers will design a daily schedule and make suggestions on how parents can guide their child’s learning. Teachers will assign learning activities for each day based around the suggested daily schedule. Classroom teachers plan to check in with students during the week and will communicate those plans with parents. Parents are encouraged to guide students through as many of those activities as it fits within their own day. It is not necessary to keep the sequence, but we hope that parents can help students create a routine for learning at home.

In the Middle and Upper Schools, the school day will be shorter than normal to allow students time to complete learning activities and meet with teachers via video for help sessions. You will have lots of break time, lunch, and time for physical activities during the day.

Schoology is like a virtual school building, and courses in Schoology are like teachers’ classrooms. Schoology is a “learning hub” to distribute learning activities and assignments, schedule class meetings, share GoogleMeet links, host class discussions, and many more things! Students and parents should check Schoology first thing in the day to see what is upcoming!

In the Middle and Upper Schools, teachers will use GoogleMeet to hold classes and help sessions via video-conferences. Links can be found in students’ Schoology classes. Students can use this same link every time they join the meeting of that class if the teacher sets it up that way. There will be protocols and procedures for using GoogleMeet, all of which are specified to students on this web page.

Division Specific Information

N-Grade 4 Expectations

Schoology will be your child’s learning hub. Schoology’s login page can be found HERE

You should check daily to see new communications, assignments, and feedback. The classroom and specials teachers will provide content online and also instructions/suggestions for projects that don’t involve technology, as well. Learning at the various grade levels will and should look different. Here is what teachers will provide as a minimum:

  • Suggested learning schedule (please adapt this to suit your individual home situation) 
  • Daily “meetings,” lessons, and suggestions for projects and activities (Nursery)
  • Daily ELA and Math lessons (K-Grade 4)
  • Unit studies/Science/SS activities (coming in the near future & will be different by grade)
  • Assignments from your child’s specials teachers following their weekly schedule (All)
  • A bank of activities from which you can draw to prompt or expand learning outside or around the house. (All)
  • Weekly face-to-face check-ins (parents and students) with teachers via Google Meet or phone calls. Expect your teachers to provide “office hours” for scheduling these. (All)

Click HERE to see the Nursery Blue schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Nursery Green schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Nursery Red schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Nursery Yellow schedule.

Click HERE to see the Primary 1 schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Primary 2 schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Kindergarten schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Grade 2 schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Grade 3 schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Grade 4 schedule. 

Daily Attendance

Daily attendance will be taken either through an interactive discussion board or some other way for your students to share feedback to the teachers. Recent attendance checks have included having students (with parental help) respond to a question the teachers posted. Teachers will be taking attendance at the end of the day (actually the next morning for the previous day) since we know many of you work and won’t be able to guide learning until later in the day. Please report excused absences or illness to Tammy Roberts via email. 

Managing the Material

Logging into Schoology each day will be exciting. You or another adult caregiver will be guiding your child’s morning check-in for each day’s plan. It is like being given a big box of wrapped presents. Our natural impulse is to open them all at once! 

However, we do not recommend this for the class content the teachers are providing. Following the suggested schedule not only helps your children maintain the flow of their days from earlier in the year, but also helps them pace themselves through the day and give them time to invest and deepen their learning with each activity or assignment before heading to the next one. 

In this uncertain time, we know that families are still figuring out work schedules, child care, and how to balance all aspects of this new reality. We strongly encourage you to take what we offer and adapt it to fit your personal situation. During times of transition, less is more, and making sure you do all you can to reduce worry and stress is the priority. 

Kids Learn Everywhere

At Harley, we have always believed that nature is our biggest, most amazing classroom. We have always respected and valued a person’s basic need to be outdoors and have made that a strong priority in our Lower School. With the shift to learning from home, this is even more important to include everyday. We will give you many prompts for outdoor activities that are prescriptive, like investigations and projects, and open ended like recess and playtime. These are the surest ways to maintain balance and personal well being. 

We start the formal remote learning adventure on Monday, March 23, and we are ready and eager to dive into a new way of providing the best education for your children. Thank you for your trust and loyalty!

On Monday, March 23, we will launch phase two of our remote learning plan. This phase is designed to gradually help Middle School students develop the habits and skills needed to successfully engage with their remote learning experience. Students will participate in classes and will be expected to be present at the time listed on their schedule. Teachers will check to make sure all students are able to join the classes, understand their schedule and expectations, and troubleshoot any unforeseen issues prior to phase three: regular school via remote learning. In the third phase (beginning March 30), structures for feedback, formal and informal assessment, calendars, and timelines will be introduced.

Daily Schedule

We will be using a schedule that has A and B days.  Please contact your advisor or division head with any questions about the daily schedule or if your child is unable to participate in remote learning for some reason.

Click HERE to see the Grade 5 schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Grade 6 schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Grade 7 schedule. 

Click HERE to see the Grade 8 schedule. 

Click HERE to see the full Middle School schedule.

Learning Activities and Assignments

Besides meeting remotely with teachers for classes and small group sessions, students will receive learning activities and assignments to complete during the school day.  Many of the activities can be completed during the school day if students use their time wisely.  

That said, students should expect to receive 15-30 minutes of homework from their daily classes. (Because of our rotating schedule, students do not have homework in every class every night.)  Teachers will take into account students’ grade-levels when assigning homework, just as we normally do.

Daily Schedule

We will be using a schedule with A Days and B Days. We will start with a B Day on Monday, March 23, in order to align with the school calendar and the Middle School. Each day will begin with a daily advisory check-in at 9:00 am to take attendance and share school information.

School days will be shorter to allow students time to complete learning activities and meet with teachers via video for help sessions. Students will also have plenty of breaks, lunch, and time for physical activities during the school day. Please contact your advisor or division head with any questions about the daily schedule.

Click HERE to see the schedule. 

Learning Activities and Assignments

In addition to meeting remotely with teachers for classes and small group sessions, students will receive learning activities and assignments to complete during the school day. If students use their time wisely, many school activities may be completed during the school day.

That said, students should expect to receive up to 30 minutes of homework in their daily classes. (Because of our rotating schedule, students do not have homework in every night in every class.) AP students may have longer assignments.

Office Hours / Help Sessions

Teachers will regularly be available to answer student questions and guide student learning.  These support sessions will be offered during office hours at the end of each school day. As you can see in the schedule, we have built in help time for as much as ninety minutes every day.  Think of this period the way you think of end-of-the-day Advisory period. Remember that students may ask for support from ANY teacher during their office hours. Teachers will communicate their office hour availability through Schoology.

Students may also make other arrangements with teachers and/or communicate by email. 

Physical Education / Sports Requirements

Upper School students will still be expected to complete their physical education requirements through the completion of an independent study at home.  Students with questions should contact Mr. Michalski.  

College Counseling

We are excited to hear all the good news about the college acceptances seniors are receiving.  Know that we are celebrating those acceptances with you, even if we are not able to be in school with you!  Please stay in touch with our college counselor, Amanda Edelhart, about your acceptances and questions.

Ms. Edelhart is tracking developments with standardized testing (SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement), and she is in contact with colleges and universities. She will regularly share updates with students and parents as they become available.

Students and parents with individual questions should contact Ms. Edelhart directly.

What can parents do to help support remote learning? 

  • Create a sense of normalcy: Think of remote learning as the same as at school learning. Parents of younger students will be more involved in their children’s learning that normal. Parents of students in Grades 5-12 should remember you are not in the classroom with your child when we are in session; as much as possible, give your child the same privacy to learn remotely. As unusual as it might be to have your home life and school experience intermixed, we encourage you to help your student set up an appropriate work station at home and allow that to be their “learn at home” center.
  • During remote learning, allow your child to organize and manage their learning and any issues that may arise in the same way you did during on-campus school. Learning how to problem-solve and adjust to remote learning may present age-appropriate challenges for students to work through independently with a teacher’s help and guidance. This is a normal part of the learning process.
  • Reach out and communicate with a teacher, your division counselor, or division head if you are concerned about your student’s well-being or learning. We are here to support each child and each family to the best of our ability.
  • Reinforce the guidelines and protocols the teachers will set up in order to manage their remote learning classes effectively. We want students to take this seriously so that we can keep our academic goals moving along.
  • Enforce social distancing at all times. On March 20, Governor Cuomo issued a “stay-at-home” order for all individuals not engaged in essential activities. From a public health standpoint, groups of students getting together physically, whether in someone’s house or off campus somewhere, is dangerous to them and the local community.

What Else Do I Need to Know About Remote Learning?

Remote learning will be similar in some ways and different in others from what we do most days at Harley.  The information below is meant to give you a general overview of the common topics we have heard students and parents ask about.  If you are in doubt about something, you can reach out to your classroom teacher, advisor, division assistant, or division head.

Student Wellness


Our first priority during this extended school closure is your wellness. You can help boost your mental wellness by staying connected with friends and your teachers, being physically active, keeping healthy daily routines, maintaining a learning schedule, and many other positive activities.


Our division counselors will be sending out regular suggestions for student wellness and are a resource for students at this time. You can reach out to our counselors by email at:


Lower School – Mrs. Reetz:


Middle School – Ms Chen:


Upper School – M Campbell:


Get Up and Get Moving

It is really important for students to get lots of physical activity during the day. Remember that you walk and move between each of your classes during the day. Your body needs that to transition to the next activity and recharge. Use the breaks in the schedule to stand up, stretch, go for a walk, or play outside. Don’t just spend your day staring at a screen—be active!

Online Behavior

During remote learning or social media opportunities, it’s essential that everyone behaves appropriately, just like when we are at school together. Student behavior is still guided by the expectations spelled out in Harley’s Rights and Responsibilities statement.  

As a quick reminder, when you’re online, be sure to:

  • Use respectful behavior and language.
  • Stick to appropriate topic discussions. 
  • Send only appropriate video transmissions.  
  • Use only appropriate icon, emoji, and avatar submissions.
  • Wear school appropriate clothing if you are attending meetings via video.
  • Be honest and do not plagiarize or copy others’ work—in other words, use academic integrity.
  • Not falsify information about yourself or impersonate others online.

These guidelines will help us have a safe and productive learning space, even as we learn from home!

GoogleMeet - General Etiquette for Class and Help Sessions

Students should remember that our expectations for student behavior remain the same when they are learning from home.  Using video conferencing requires students to follow certain guidelines so that others are not negatively impacted.

These are the general guidelines for when teachers hold class or help sessions.  Teachers may give more specific guidelines.

  • Make sure you are logged on in Google with your Harley Gmail account, not your personal email.
  • All that occurs on Google Meet is documented and archived by the teacher via the record function.
  • Students enter the meeting with their microphones and video feature disabled.
  • Students ensure that they display an appropriate profile photo.
  • All initial communication from the students to the teacher will occur through the chat feature.
  • All students should type their names into the chat session so that attendance is recorded.
  • If a student has a question they will type their question into the chat. The teacher will then respond and provide permission for one student at a time to use their microphone.
  • Once a student has asked their question, they will mute their microphone.
  • In smaller classes or help sessions, teachers may decide to use the chat feature or to have students activate their cameras and microphones.
  • When the Google Meeting concludes, all students will leave the meeting before the teacher exits.

If you cannot attend a class or help session:

  1. Let your teacher know prior to class.
  2. Watch the recording of the class when you are able to.
  3. Let your teacher know that you’ve watched the recording.
Attendance and Advisory Check-ins

We will start every day with a check-in. These will vary by division. This lets you get important information and helps us make sure students are attending school. Teachers will also take attendance when they hold class sessions, even if they choose to use scheduled class time to meet in small groups.

Division assistants will contact parents if students are missing from classes or not submitting required learning activities.  Parents should email their division assistants by 9:00 am if a student is sick and unable to attend classes or complete learning activities that day.

Being an Active Learner and Advocating for Yourself

Getting used to a digital learning environment and participating in remote learning might take a little while. Some people will love it right away. Others might need some time to get used to how to participate in live video sessions or use a chat room. If you’re an “early adopter,” be patient and remain kind to those who will take longer to adjust to a remote learning environment. If you’re one of the people who isn’t as comfortable with technology or remote learning as your peers, it’s okay. Stay positive. Be persistent. Seek support when you need it.

Setting Up a Learning Space and Getting in a Routine

Checking Schoology every day is one priority.  Completing assigned learning activities to the best of your ability is another.  If you’ve already set yourself up with good study habits, those habits will support remote learning. Here are some things to think about when you engage in remote learning:

  • Have a learning space.  Use this space when it’s time to learn. We suggest you set up your space in a spot where it can remain set up. Don’t be surprised when your parent or guardian asks you to make your learning space in a shared area of your home like at the dining room table or a desk in a living room or family room. The reality is that when your learning space is separate from your bedroom and distanced from the television, it triggers your brain that the space is for work and not play.  You really will be more productive. And, like it or not, a remote learning space in a shared area allows the adult(s) in your home to readily support your learning while also monitoring your digital activity. (Yes, they get to see what you do.)
  • Be sure your learning space includes what you need to learn.  You’ll need a computer, iPad, Chromebook, or other device.  You’ll probably need paper, pencils and/or pens. You might need tools to help you with math like a calculator, ruler, compass, and possibly manipulatives like counters.  You probably need your textbooks, composition notebooks, or any other curriculum materials that your teacher provides. It is important to be well prepared so you aren’t scrambling for materials during a lesson.
  • Have a daily routine.  Stick to it. We have created schedules for class meetings and teacher support sessions, but you will also have more breaks and independent work time than if we were holding school on Harley’s campus. Ask your parent or another important adult to help you develop your schedule if you need assistance.  Be sure your routine includes breaks, time to be active, and time to eat snack and lunch.
Learning Activities and Assignments

Besides meeting remotely with teachers for classes and small group sessions, students will receive learning activities and assignments to complete during the school day.  Many of the activities can be completed during the school day if students use their time wisely.

Sharing Your Learning with Your Teachers

Your teacher(s) will want to know whether you are learning what they intend for you to learn and provide feedback and grades for your work.  You are going to need to share your learning with them. When you check your Schoology account every day, you will find out how your teacher will want you to demonstrate your learning.  

You may be asked to:

  • Complete an online quiz;
  • Submit a document through Schoology;
  • Take a picture of your work and upload it through Schoology;
  • Record a video that shows how you are able to do something;
  • Email a message summarizing your learning;
  • Engage in a Schoology discussion board (chat session);
  • Engage in a  video “Office Hour”.

There might be other ways your teacher(s) will want to check on your progress.  If you have an idea, let them know!

Using Schoology - Our Learning Hub

Schoology is our “learning hub” where teachers will post lessons and learning activities, help you manage your calendar, invite you to classes and help sessions hosted via video conferencing, and lots more.

Schoology’s login is found HERE.

Check Schoology every morning to see what has been posted for the day and make it a habit to check back during the school day and at the end of the school day.  

Let your division assistant or teacher/advisor know if you are having any troubles with Schoology, and we will get you help. Most questions can be answer on Schoology’s Help Center or YouTube Channel.

Schoology’s Help Center for students is found HERE.

Schoology’s YouTube Channel is found HERE.

Video Conferencing with Your Teacher and Classmates

Your teacher will post links for online class meetings and help sessions in Schoology.  You can use the same link for every meeting.

Make sure you are logged on in Google with your Harley Gmail account, not your personal email.

To join a class or help session, click on the link.  Be sure to click “Accept” or “Allow” when your computer or device asks for access to your microphone, speakers, and camera.

It is good meeting etiquette to join class sessions with your camera and microphone muted (off) and to wait for your teacher to call on you to speak.  Use the chat feature to ask a question.

If you cannot attend a class or help session:

  1. Let your teacher know prior to class.
  2. Watch the recording of the class when you are able to.
  3. Let your teacher know that you’ve watched the recording.

 Harley uses GoogleMeet for video conferencing.

GoogleMeet’s Help Center is found HERE.

G Suite’s YouTube Channel is found HERE.

Trouble with Schoology or Technology

Students may encounter difficulties with Schoology (such as login problems), other web based programs, or their devices and WiFi. Many of these problems can be fixed by visiting the help centers of the specific program being used. Others may require your family to “phone a friend” with questions about technology problems.  We will also do our best to help you resolve difficulties with Schoology, other web based programs, or your technology at home.

If you do have difficulties that you are unable to resolve, we ask that you contact your division assistant and division head so they can get your problem sent to the right help person at school.

Please know that if you have difficulties teachers will be understanding with students and their ability to complete learning activities.

Many WiFi or internet problems can be solved by students or parents with a little work. This article covers many of the common problems and possible solutions.  

Ultimately, if you are able to connect to your wifi but unable to get internet connection, you should go to your internet service provider’s (Spectrum, Greenlight, etc.) help page or call them directly. Many problems can be solved from their websites, or they can check internet connection over the phone and help you resolve the problem.

Spectrum – (833) 267-6094

Greenlight – 351-6600

How Quickly Will We Transition to Remote Learning?

We have developed a plan that phases in remote learning over a three week period.

During Phase 1 (March 16-20), students had two “snow days” where the only expectation was to complete any outstanding assignments. Teachers then began to check in with students and their parents, and learning activities were posted for students to complete by themselves or under the direction of parents/guardians for the remaining three days of the first phase. This “holding” phase allowed teachers to undertake lesson planning, meet remotely, and make sure their technology is functioning properly.

In Phase 2 (March 23-27), we will begin rolling out the daily schedule, making sure students are connected with their teachers, and undertaking teaching and learning activities. This phase will include more trial-and-error, and we do not expect the system to work perfectly. Students should try their best to complete learning activities, but we understand that they may not be able to complete all activities successfully.

Phase 3 begins on March 30 and marks the final transition to remote learning. We do not know the length of Phase 3, but during this phase, remote learning will become our new normal. This phase will continue until we are able to open school again.

Do you have additional questions or concerns about our remote learning plan?

I'm having trouble with:


The Harley School

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Rochester, NY 14618
(585) 442-1770

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