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Mr. Ntheketha is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion educator at Harley, which is a brand new position! In addition to teaching in the Middle School, Mr. Ntheketha’s work will involve working with the entire Harley community. He is currently developing 3 different DEI curriculums for Middle School grades 6 through 8, in collaboration with Jocie and Mr. Kuelling. The objectives of this course are to introduce vocabulary and understand the impacts of things like institutionalized oppression on the Rochester and Harley communities. DEI 6 focuses on individual understanding and affirming the identities of people. DEI 7 focuses on interpersonal issues, and DEI 8 focuses on local issues like redlining. In the future, it is hoped that this curriculum will be expanded to include the Lower and Upper Schools as well. Mr. Ntheketha loves working with Middle Schoolers and enjoys their energy. He also loves Harley’s welcoming nature and how through collaboration with faculty, staff, students, advisors, and families, Harley puts each student at the center of their own learning. He understands the importance of both being heard and being a good listener which he brings to his work. He wants to enjoy the beauty of life and enjoys problem solving with people, drawing different concepts together to reach the end goal. He believes that empathy is an integral part of connecting with other people and finding common ground. This philosophy has supported Mr. Ntheketha in his hobbies and previous work. He spent 16 years working at RIT in the Division of Diversity and Inclusion. His work included helping students of color to navigate a predominantly white institution, and creating a place that was safe for everyone. He notes that “systems can either affirm or break down individuality and excellence.” In addition to his work, Mr, Ntheketha has a passion for storytelling and performance. Because of this, he is very excited to be covering for Dr. Malone’s 11th grade English class and teaching Hamlet. Theatre has always been an important part of his life, and he has a degree in speech theatre, as well as education. He has taught at the University of Rochester, RIT, and the Geva Summer Academy. He also works with the theatre-based training company Impact Interactive. Impact Interactive uses performing arts to make people think and further connect with issues of oppression and discrimination and figure out solutions. Entertainment also plays an important role in Mr. Ntheketha’s hobbies. When it comes to books, movies, and TV, he loves anime, theatre, and afro-futurism. He enjoys popular media like Stranger Things, The Office, and Marvel, especially Hawkeye and Black Panther, as well as authors like Nnedi Okorafor who wrote Remote Control, Binti, Akata Witch, and more. At one point in his childhood, Mr. Ntheketha aspired to be a doctor on TV. One of Mr. Ntheketha’s other hobbies is cooking. He loves to barbecue and smoke meats. He would always go to the Public Market with his mother, where he loved to select produce. He loves ribs, brisket, and jambalaya, and enjoys figuring out the science behind cooking. He loves to try new foods, loves spices and seasonings, baking desserts, and enjoys tasting foods from different cultures. You can find Mr. Ntheketha’s office in the fifth/sixth-grade section of the middle school hallway. Go up the stairs next to Liotti’s office, and his door will be directly ahead of you!